Date joined: 16 years, 5 months ago
Last login: 2 years ago
I am self taught musician and artist. Part-timeinventor and full time rennaisance guy. I really don'tlike to talk about myself and that's one of the reasons that I got into thevisual arts and music. Pictures andsounds are great means to tell people about yourself and sometimes more effectively and faster than long biographical statements. But anyway, I'll do my best. I was born in San Juan,P.R. in 1945 and stayed there until 1989, when I traveled to the U.S. in search of many things that have eluded me so far. I studied political science in college with the purpose of going into international law. I could not finish my senior year due to political differences between myself and the powers that controlled the things we learned. I dropped out and started making crafts and selling them on the beach.Ithen at the same time, began to study music and became a flutist for latin jazz bands with not a lot of financial success. I studied art in order to make paintings of my crafts and later began making sculptures over shoes which can be seen at my website, and Hope you enjoy them.