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Min Max


Date joined: 16 years ago
Last login: 2 years, 3 months ago
YOU ARE ABOUT TO WITNESS THE ULTIMATE IN NORWEGIAN LOW-BUDGET FILMMAKING.HOMEMADE PRODUCTIONS ARE NO BULLSHITTERS.THEY ARE FOR REAL. PERHAPS.<br><br>The years before HMP was founded there was a lot of experimenting off course we still some degree, stupidity and curious excitement regarding the possibilities and impossibilities of the camera.And the results, strange and off- beat as they were, saw the light of day.A funny guy called Tord Martinsen, from Kongsvinger, is the director and cameraman on the rarities made at The Nansen-School of Lillehammer. The camera they had at this school was really awesome, and looking back it's a damned shame we didn't use it more than we did. The two shorts that were made are ultra-bizzarre though.
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