Date joined: 15 years, 8 months ago
Last login: 1 year, 11 months ago
Here's the history of how I made it. It's a short film I made in collage back in the 80s. Started in 1985 and finished in 1989.. Real short huh. It was shot live action 16mm film and then I edited it and Rotoscoped the whole thing. Roto the serious Old School way. Using a "downshooter" camera system. No like those new flash rotoscope commercials . However, all this didn't take 4 years, it was the cel painting that took so long.. I had very little help.. anyway.. This was a Student film from my days at CalArts California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California, USA.Here's an interesting tid-bit I forgot to add. I was taught how to rotoscope by Michael Patterson. He was an instructor at CalArts at the time. He was also a freelance artist who was in the middle of making the music Video by the group A-ha called 'Take On Me'. yeah the mother of Rotoscope films.