Queen mae and the bells isGendala Kelli AnnaTina Matthewseve Warnock
Runtime: 0:05:31
Date added: 16 years ago
Last updated: 2 years, 3 months ago
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Queen Mae and the Bells delivers creatures saturated with folklore in their form of tribal opera. They are constantly delving into new mediums in performance, always to guarantee a multi media experience.QMB is a trio of women based out of Columbus, Ohio with a very hands-on style: designing and making costumes, engineering instruments, and telling story through movement and song. QMB has toured throughout the U.S.A spreading lyrics of pro-activity, of standing in your bones, of being free from fears, of respecting the environment, the ancestors, and fellow human beings.Queen Mae and the Bells is: Gendala Kelli Anna, Tina Matthews, and eve Warnock.