Harvest Home

This video is made up of photos from the Bard of Ely's collection and edited on Animoto. Harvest Home was remixed by Crum ex-Hawkwind and the song was released on the Taffia Ep on Crai Records.

Runtime: 0:00:00

Date added: 15 years, 10 months ago

Last updated: 2 years, 3 months ago

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Bard of Ely was born in Cardiff , Wales but moved to Tenerife in the Canary Islands in 2004. He is a singer-songwriter, poet, author, compere, journalist, freelancer, photographer and naturalist, as well as a researcher and writer on the mysteries of life. <br><br>Bard of Ely has been the compere for the main Avalon Stage at Glastonbury Festival in 2002 and 2003 and was a guest speaker at the same event in 2004 when he was talking on the subject of the use of entheogenic herbs in shamanism and witchcraft.<br><br>As a Quest Knight, Bard of Ely is a member of the Druid Order the Loyal Arthurian Warband, and he is a Bard of the Free Gorsedd of Bards of Caer Abiri, which is the Celtic name for Avebury.<br><br>Bard of Ely's songs have been released on Crai Records on the Taffia EP, on Double Snazzy on the Green Man Festival CD, and other small labels, including a vinyl EP on the German Pink Lemon Records. He has had his music rave reviewed in the NME and featured on the BBC R1 Session in Wales website. Bard of Ely's songs have been used in TV programs e.g. his Sound of One was in C5's Family Affairs.<br><br>Under his real name Steve Andrews he has been writing for the Tenerife Sun and Tenerife News papers. He has also contributed to Permaculture Magazine and was a columnist for Big Issue Cymru.<br><br>Bard of Ely has also worked as a TV presenter in two series of In Full View on Choice.<br><br>Bard of Ely's book Herbs of the Northern Shaman, which was published originally by the now defunct Loompanics is being republished with new material and photos on lulu.com later this year.<br><br>Bard of Ely is currently researching the pyramids of Tenerife for another book he is planning.
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0:00 3:45