The Shape of Things to Come

The Shape of Things to Come

One Peace Activists contribution to a New way of Living Life Love and the Pursuit of happiness.

Date added: 17 years, 6 months ago

Last updated: 2 years, 4 months ago

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My Name is Devah.Pronounced Dey-vah.I am a music connousieur.If music were a meal I would eat it five times a day. In fact, metaphorically I do and I am no stranger to skipping meals for music.When I sleep I dream music.When I shower, I definitely sing my best.And when I use the toilet I am often writing lyrics.Great visual isn't it?As a song writer I write in many genres because I Love so many types of music. My favorite styles of music to sing would have to be the following three,Funk, Blues and Big Band Jazz or Swing. I am Currently writing and producing music that is Indie/Pop/Aternative/Electronic. Does that classify me as Experimental? I also love to make documantaries and music videos and you'll see my very first attemps here. I've got a darn good producer in Andrew McEvoy. I suggest watching the later stuff first and going back wards. My documentaries are part of a series called, One Musician's Story.One musician's story represents the recording and process of a musician when creating artistically and also expresses the inner motivation for the lyrics and feel for the songs I am writing. Since they are only the length of the song being represented you could say they are also Audio/Video BlogsThe current titles available are:"One Musician's Story - Legend"And "One Musician's Story - A Grain of Sand"There are also two music videos: "Down" - A tribute to my favorite hang out and to the beautiful complexities of love set to a funky bluesy beat.And"A Grain of Sand"An anti-establishment shout out to the people of the world to stand up and stand a part from the pressures of our system to not make waves and to not go blindly into the world following the status quo. Be your Individually Be-You-ti-Full... You.I have been performing for twenty seven years, songwriting for sixteen years and producing for about a year now. All in all this accounts for well over half of my life. So, I hope I am finally getting it right. LaughingI guess the point is... I do what I love and I love what I do.I hope to be an efficient chronicler of our age and inspire others to follow their life passions too.If you're willing to be broke a little while or let someone else take care of you financially, If you're a dude you'll most likely end up living in your van! LOL!If you're willing to get shot down time, after time, after time, and still have faith that one day you'll be a master of your craft and hopefully, be able to support yourself at the very least.And lastly, if you are a servant to your art because you know you'll never be happy in life doing anything else...I'd say you have as fair a shot as the rest of us.Go for it! Don't be afraid to live the dream no matter what your parents told you. Now...Go check me out.Laughing, DevahP.S. I Sell My songs to other Artists as well.And somewhere around here you will find a schedule of my upcoming shows.
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