For 23,000 years, the magical creature, Orobai, has wandered the lost forests and towering mountains of Aurduin. When he finds an unusual jewel that transforms into a mysterious young girl, he knows that his destiny is at hand. Now is it a race against time as Orobai seeks to piece together the intricate puzzle of the girl's identity, their entwined fates, and their relationship to the prophecy of an apocalypse that will forever transform the world of Aurduin. Join Orobai in his quest to protect the girl and seek out a vision that will show him the path to his ultimate purpose. Orobai's Vision is the first installment of the Tale of Aurduin series, a four-book fantasy epic and is now available as a 276 paperback book for 14.98 USD at,, and and as a PDF ebook download here.
Date added: 18 years, 4 months ago
Last updated: 2 years ago
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