
Home / Music / Electronica

Into the Light




Lila's Medicine is a collaboration between vocalist / keyboardist Laura Scarborough and beat savant Bill Sarver OHN - music is song based electronica with tweeks, skreeks, and turns...

Date added: 17 years, 8 months ago

Last updated: 2 years, 2 months ago

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Date joined: 17 years, 8 months ago
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LAURA SCARBOROUGH -- a classical pianist that crossed the line into improv, Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Juno, Nord Lead, MicroKorg, Ableton Live, any nasty synthesis, sonic wizardry, drumming, vibraphone, accordion, hula-hooping, fire, LEDs, filming, recording, freaking, and geeking... Inspired from the jazz vocal divas and thick bass grooves, she partnered w/ Bill Sarver Bildeaux / OHN to construct music together -- THE PROJECT iS ENTiTLED LilA'S MEDiCiNE