Black Pearl
This is NOT an audio CD. It is an original jazz band arrangement created in Finale and transported to Adobe Acrobat format so you can print the parts easily from your home computer. Black Pearl is a driving straight ahead swing tune. It features a very catchy melody played by the tenor saxes and trombones. Included is an optional part for flute. There is room for soloists to stretch out, including the flute if desired. Included is both a score with the flute part included and one without the flute. This piece would make a great addition to any school concert or community program. This is an original arrangement for a jazz/swing band with standard instrumentation (5 saxes, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones and rhythm section). It is being made available in a novel and convenient way. All of the instrument parts and the score are on a CD-ROM in Adobe Acrobat format. Just print the parts from your computer to your printer. Think about it! NO MORE MISSING PARTS!! If your drummer loses his part just print a new one! If you have more than one first alto sax, no problem, print as many as you need. There are also advantages for sight-impaired players. Print the parts as large as you need them.In order to print the music you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. This application is often installed as stock software when you purchase a computer. It is also available for free on the web at www.adobe.com.The CD-ROM is both PC and Macintosh compatible - it works on both platforms. Also included on the CD is an MP3 file of the arrangement. It can be played from your computer with a standard MP3 player.These arrangements are suitable for a good Jr. High or Sr. High Jazz band. They would also make a great addition to any community swing band. The ranges are reasonable and the melodies are very accessible. Thanks for your interest. Look for many more arrangements to be posted in the future.
Date added: 22 years, 1 month ago
Last updated: 2 years, 5 months ago
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