Divahn's songs represent the breadth of Sephardic and Mizrakhi influenced Jewish music throughout the centuries. While the terms Sephardic and Mizrahki are often used synonymously, this is not always accurate. The Sephardim or 'Spanish Jews' flourished in Spain for several centuries. They spoke Ladino, or Judeo-Spanish (a Hebrew-flavored dialect of Spanish) amongst themselves and, of course, composed songs in Ladino. Their music reflected he Spanish as well as the Moorish influences to which they were exposed. When the Sephardim were expelled from Spain in 1492 many of them settled throughout the Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa, which is why Sephardic music and culture is so often linked to the Middle East.
Date added: 22 years, 8 months ago
Last updated: 2 years, 4 months ago
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